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SM Market Design and Behaviour III (PO 2021, 1289MSMDB3)

Currently no inspections of  examination records uncompleted.

SM Seminar Market Design and Behaviour (PO2021: 1289MSSMB1)

Course in the winter term 2025: “Competition and Economic Behavior”.

Date for inspections: Thursday, February 20, 2025, 5:00 - 7:00 pm.

Information regarding the sign-up process was provided in class on Saturday, February 1, 2025, and by e-mail to the smail-accounts of all exam participants on Wednesday, February 12, 2025.

AM International Economics (PO 2021, 1302BAMIE1)

Currently no inspections of  examination records uncompleted.

AM Internationale Ökonomik (PO 2015, 1302BBIOE1)

Aktuell keine Einsichtnahmen in Prüfungsunterlagen ausstehend.

EM International Trade and Investment (PO 2021, 1302BEITI1)

Course in the winter term 2025: “International Trade and Investment” with exam options on January 30, 2025, and on March 27, 2025.

Date for exam inspections: Wednesday, August 6, 2025.

Information regarding the sign-up process will be sent to the smail-accounts of all exam participants at the latest on Tuesday, July 22, 2025.

EM International Economics (PO 2015, 1289EMIn00)

Currently no examination inspections uncompleted.