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We provide opportunities for writing master theses on current research topics in the following fields:

        Economics of Innovation,
        Industrial Organization, Labor Economics, Economics of Growth, and
        International Trade.

Research topics that we can agree to supervise are well suited for working out a master thesis with adequate scientific rigor and for acquiring a profound understanding of state-of-the-art research in research fields we are working in. In particular, we offer options for starting to advance research on topics we are working on.

If you are interested in writing your master thesis under the supervision of the team of Professor Dr. Susanne Prantl, please note the following:

  1. Feel free to hand in your application for writing your thesis after December 2024 before the next deadline for submission, that is at the latest on December 4, 2024.
  2. If you want to apply, please contact Professor Dr. Susanne Prantl, submitting your CV, academic transcripts (high-school diploma, current B.Sc. transcript of records) and a concise statement of your major fields of study. Please combine all these documents in one single pdf-attachment and hand it in by e-mail to prantl(at) Note that we will not be able to deal with incomplete submissions.
  3. Please be aware of the fact that capacity restrictions may prevent us from supervising all applicants. Note as well that we have no capacity left up to December 2024. The candidates who we can supervise will be provided with a topic for writing a master thesis on December 10, 2024.
  4. Good knowledge in statistics, econometrics, and programming is required. In addition, we strongly recommend that you successfully complete at least one of the following master courses before contacting us:
          Economics of Innovation, or one of our
          Master of Science seminars.
  5. Candidates can write their thesis either in English (or German). Please follow the rules of the “Prüfungsordnung“ relevant to you. If necessary, contact the relevant “Prüfungsamt” for further administrative details.